Universities Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence:

Training for Sustainable Services

This research project, led by Brunel University London with 7 partners and associate partners across 6 European countries, aims to develop innovative training for university staff who may respond to disclosures of sexual violence, and to embed this within institutions.

We will conduct ‘best practice’ reviews in English and local languages, and use this learning to develop training programmes appropriate to our cultural and institutional contexts. Each partner university will pilot a training model with 80 of its own staff and conduct an independent evaluation of it. The learning from these evaluations will be shared across the partnership, and the training models made available in perpetuity and free of charge, via an online portal.

The project began on March 1st 2016 and will end with an international conference in November 2017. It is funded by the European Commission’s DG Justice, Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (DAPHNE strand).


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This research project, led by Brunel University London with partners and associate partners across 6 European countries, aims to develop innovative training for university staff who may respond to disclosures of sexual violence, and to embed this within institutions.