S’estàn concloent les  formacions creades en el marc del projecte, amb personal universitari en els 4 països dels socis, i els recursos de formació es publicaran a la web aviat. Aquí els programes i continguts que s’han dissenyat a cada universitat:

112 membres del personal de la Universitat de Sussex i 40 membres del personal de la Universitat de Brighton van participar en la capacitació sobre revelació de violència sexual a 2016-17. Es va organitzar amb l’orientació del “Rap Crisi Centre Survivors ‘Network”, i va ser impartit per la Dra. Valentina Cartei.

El contingut de la formació es pot descarregar en anglès aquí.

Learning objectives

  •    Define sexual violence and understand the complexity of it.
  •    Relate sexual violence to cultural norms and gender inequality and understand why some students may be particularly vulnerable.
  •    Develop the skills to respond to a disclosure in an appropriate way and ensure that students feel supported at the point of disclosure.
  •    Have sufficient knowledge about care pathways and referral options to provide the student with options to seek further help if they wish.
  •    Be able to maintain boundaries and look after own emotional well-being when handling a disclosure.

Part one: understanding sexual violence  

  •       An introduction to the purpose of the training and the wider research project.
  •       To learn about the prevalence of sexual violence in HE and connections to laddism.
  •       To understand the multiple forms of violence and legal definitions.
  •       To understand and interrogate common myths about violence and the impact they have.
  •       To understand how sexual violence affects the lives of survivors.
  •       To explore the multiple barriers faced in disclosing sexual violence.
  •       To provide opportunity to ask any questions and reflect on the session.

Part two: handling disclosures and supporting survivors

  •   To start thinking about disclosures and the circumstances in which disclosures may occur.
  •       To learn about active listening and practice active listening skills.
  •       To understand the different kinds of support available, both internal and external to the university.
  •       To learn about the practical things to do and not do when responding to a sexual violence disclosure and have the opportunity to reflect on how you would respond to different situations.
  •       To think about how to look after yourself and maintain appropriate boundaries when being a first responder.

·       To reflect on what has been learnt and ask any final questions.

La formació, titulada “Violència sexual a la universitat: reconèixer, acompanyar i repensar estratègies de resposta”, va començar a la Universitat Rovira i Vigili a finals de gener de 2017 i es va dur a terme a diferents universitats de Catalunya durant tot l’any

El seu propòsit principal és augmentar la capacitat de la comunitat universitària per a la protecció dels drets de les persones afectades per l’assetjament o la violència sexual.

El curs, totalment gratuït, es va desenvolupar per a metodologies participatives i grups reduïts (10-12 persones), amb una durada de 10 hores, distribuït en dues sessions.

El resum del programa es pot descarregar aquí.

Tot e material dels tallers en català aquí: http://usvreact.eu/ca/urv-material/

i més material en castellà aquí: http://usvreact.eu/es/urv-material/

Per veure informació sobre cursos anteriors: http://usvreact.eu/ca/cursos-usvreact-urv/

Training has started at Panteion University. The sessions take place at the Centre for Gender Studies, Department of Social Policy (http://www.genderstudies-panteion.gr/en/). Each cohort comprises 12-14 participants, and includes members of staff and students. The first couple of groups have completed two 4-hour sessions with senior trainers Dr. Matina Papagiannopoulou and Dr. Kiki Petroulaki.

Training sessions address issues of sexual violence at university, and gender violence more broadly, and include both discussion of theoretical and policy frameworks and practical exercises. So far, groups have responded with great interest and have expressed the desire to develop further self-organised initiatives at the university to address issues of sexual and gender violence.

more info: http://www.genderstudies-panteion.gr/en/

University Support for Victims of Sexual Violence; a training course for sustainable services over time.

Original title in Italian: “UNIVERSITÀ A SUPPORTO DELLE VITTIME DI VIOLENZA SESSUALE. Un percorso di formazione per servizi sostenibili nel tempo”

Learning objectives:

  • Recognize sexual violence:
    • Definition of sexual violence
    • Identification of different forms of sexual violence
    • The specificity of harassment at work and in university
  • Contrast and prevent sexual violence:
    • How to manage cases of disclosures
    • How to intervene and to support intervention
    • How to develop a culture contrasting sexual violence

Download the full programme outline here.

La formació, amb el títol “Violència Sexual a la universitat: prevenció, acompanyament i transformació” s’està oferint des del gener del 2017.

Ha estat dissenyada per sensibilitzar al voltant de la violència sexual, ajudar a identificar les seves diferents expressions i comprendre-les en el marc de les relacions de desigualtat social i oferir eines pràctiques per reflexionar i actuar de manera responsible a prevenir i donar resposta a aquesta.

El curs està obert a persones contractades per la universitat i es desenvolupa en grups petits per afavorir l’ús de dinàmiques participatives i la reflexió crítica.

més info: http://usvreact.eu/usvreact-courses-already-offered-by-upvehu