Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Universities – learning from pan-European practice
The #USVreact project European one-day Findings Conference took place in London on Thursday the 9th of November 2017 at Rich Mix.
You can read the final project report here.
speakers’ Biographies here, and feed-back from participants here.
Below the full programme with all available power points and videos:
Morning focus: Supporting sexual violence survivors and changing campus culture
10:00-10:15 Welcome and introduction to the day and the USVreact project
Dr. Pam Alldred (Brunel University London, UK) read the PPT here
10:15-11:15 Conference Panel: Good practice in supporting students disclosing sexual violence
Speakers :
- Alexandra Zavos (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences – PUA, Greece) read the PPT here
- Barbara Biglia (Universitat Rovira i Virgili – URV, Spain) read the PPT here
- Izaskun Andueza (Social work, gender and social exclusion expert and teacher at Universidad Pública de Navarra/Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa – UPNA, Spain) read the PPT here
- Ruth Lewis (Northumbria University, UK) read the PPT here
Chair: Pam Alldred (Brunel, UK)
11:45-12:45 Interactive Panel: Changing campus cultures to support equality and prevent violence.
- Alison Phipps (University of Sussex, UK) no PPT used.
- Mara Martini (Università degli Studi di Torino – UNITO, Italy) read the PPT here
Antigone Lyberaki (Dept of Economics & Regional Development, Panteion, Greece) no PPT used.
Juana Gallego Ayala (Director at the Gender Equality Observatory, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) read the PPT here
Chair: Anne Chappell (Brunel, UK) read the PPT here
Afternoon focus: Sharing learning from USVreact project
2:00-3:00 Keynote panel: How different national, cultural and institutional contexts
frame sexual violence and disclosure.
USVreact partners present their country context and share their experiences.
- Alexandra Zavos (PUA, Greece) read the PPT here
- Marta Luxan (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea – UPV/EHU), Spain) read the PPT here
- Norma de Piccoli (UNITO, Italy) read the PPT here
- Vanita Sundaram (University of York, UK) read the PPT here
Chair: Jokin Azpiazu (UPV/EHU, Spain).
3:15- 4:30 Workshop sessions: New training models for university staff: What worked for us.
Interactive sessions sharing the learning from the local USVreact interventions.
Run as 4 separate workshops in world cafe style and by language affinity
- Sharing experiences from Greece: Matina Papagiannopoulou (Panteion) read the PPT here
- Sharing experiences from Italy: Mara Martini (UNITO) read the PPT here
- Sharing experiences from Spain: Jokin Azpiazu (UPV/EHU) read the PPT here
- Sharing experiences from the UK: Anne Chappell and Charlotte Jones (Brunel) read the PPT here
4:30-5:30 Plenary: What have we learned today?
Alison Phipps (Sussex, UK) and Pam Alldred (Brunel, UK)
Here you could find the presentation from our partners in Latvia Centre «MARTA» (Read the PPT here)
Print the conference programme from here. Download the conference flyer here.
What people have said on social media