UNITO Partner Training Evaluation Report (PTER)
CIRSDe - UNITO (Turin, Italy) Partner Training Evaluation Report Introduction The training program was developed and implemented, in Italy by the University of Turin and [...]
The USVreact in Vic: What has been done and how it will continue
The UVic-UCC has participated in various actions of the USVrecat project carried out during 2017 and 2018. To begin, on April 26 and 27 a [...]
Lost in Translation? Comparative and International Work on Gender-Related Violence
The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence, edited by Nancy Lombard (2018) Chapter 18: Lost in Translation? Comparative and International Work on Gender-Related Violence by gigi guizzo, Pam [...]
Join our video campaign
Join our video campaign, and raise awareness about sexual violence issues in Universities. Share our video on your social media: The project and free online material: [...]
Helpline directory – Stop violence against women!
The following is a table of the national women’s helplines available in 46 European countries. If there is no national helpline, a regional or general [...]