
Join our video campaign

Join our video campaign, and raise awareness about sexual violence issues in Universities. Share our video on your social media: The [...]

First working sessions with students for the new protocol

We are very happy about the first sessions this week in the Leioa campus. The faculty of Social Sciences and [...]

Staff sexual misconduct in universities: pushing the agenda forward

Australian Human Rights Commission has recently published a report on sexual harassment in Australian universities. Although after the first few days of [...]

Combatting Violence Against Women & Harassment on Campus

Your work is touched by VAW & harassment in higher education institutions, including: student support, counselling services, senior management, D&I [...]

Helpline directory – Stop violence against women!

The following is a table of the national women’s helplines available in 46 European countries. If there is no national [...]

An example of good practice: Respectful and Responsible online module

The Australian Monash University has developed, in cooperation with student organizations and other authorities, an online educational module called Respectful [...]