21/02/2018 Turin, Italy: UNITO – CIRSDe local findings conference
USVReact project: a final event not to stop combating gender violence in universities February, the 21st 2018, from 9.00 to [...]
12/2/2018 in Thessaloniki – Training seminar on the issue of sexual harassment for AUTH staff
The Gender and Equality Committee of the Aristotle University organizes a training seminar for employees of the University entitled "Zero tolerance Sexual [...]
09/02/2018 Athens: Addressing Sexual Violence at the University
Addressing Sexual Violence at the University This one day local event organized by the Centre for Gender Studies of [...]
07/02/2018 Brunel University London local conference
‘Tackling Sexual Violence & Harassment on Campus: Policy and Practice’ This free local conference took place at Brunel University [...]
EVENT POSTPONED to 12/04/2018 University of York local findings conference
A UK wide University staff strike is taking place at the end of February, due to universities wanting to end [...]
Save the date: January 26th, local conference in Donostia
Very happy to announce that our local conference will be held in Donostia (San Sebastian) the 26th of January. Final [...]