USVReact project: a final event not to stop combating gender violence in universities
February, the 21st 2018, from 9.00 to 13.00, in the impressive location of the Valentine Castle, Turin, the Italian partner, CIRSDe (Research Center for Women’s and Gender Studies – CIRSDe) of the University of Turin and the Italian associate Partner, Polytechnic of Turin have organised the final local event of the USVreact project.
All training participants and students of both Universities were invited. During the morning, some results of the project and the final report were presented by the scientific coordinator of the Italian team, Professor Norma De Piccoli.The Confidential Counsellors of the two universities have introduced themselves (they had been recently designated) and expressed their availability to offer concrete sustain to contrast any form of violence in the university context. All participants were asked to work in groups to suggest to the Directions of the universities some more actions to contrast violence and endorse a culture of respect for everyone. Finally, the Presidents of the Guarantee Committees of both University of Turin and Polytechnic discussed the results of the work-groups and expressed their commitment to support the legacy of the project.
More details about the event and programme here.