Rethinking response strategies to sexual violence in universities: Awareness, recognition and accompaniment.

Report on the USVreact Action-Research project in Catalonia Including the training evaluation

Biglia, Barbara; Cagliero, Sara (coord.); Jiménez, Edurne; Sáenz, Alba; Soto, Ivana; Alsina, Carla.

This is the English version of the Universitat Rovira i Virgila (Tarragona, Catlonia, Spain) Partner Training Evaluation of the project Universities Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence.

The work we present is quite innovative in our context because in Catalonia, as in the Spanish regions in general, just few studies have been conducted on sexual violence in the universities. Most of the Catalan research focus on the perception of different expression of violence broadly on gender related violence (Bardina y Murillo 2013), on specific form of sexual violence like harassment (Bosh y Ferrer, 2000), on gender sexual violence (Bodelon, Igareda y Casas, 2012) etc… Our work is the first AR with training for university staff on sexual violence framed within “gender related violences” (Violencias de Genero in original lengiage. Biglia & San Martín, 2007). With the training we designed and evaluated, that we will present in the third section of this document, we want to contribute to the disarticulation of the symbolic system that allow the existence of sexual violences and to support people that pass through this bad experience.

Download the full report here.

Access the training material here.