
Thank you for attending our event last week and making it an inspiring day!

November 16th, 2017|News|

If you would like an attendance certificate, or simply want to give us your feed-back about what the day and project issues mean for you, please fill in this quick form. Loading...

Call for Papers: for New Perspectives in DV

November 13th, 2017|External news, News|

Research Topic titled "New Perspectives in Domestic Violence: from research to intervention" for Gender, Sex and Sexuality Studies (Frontiers in Psychology and Frontiers in Sociology). The aim of this Research Topic is to gather updated scientific and multidisciplinary contributions about issues linked to domestic violence, including intimate partner violence. We encourage contributions from a variety [...]

More working sessions for the new protocol in UPV/EHU

November 13th, 2017|News, Project news|

Lots of students and staff are participating in the process of receiving ideas through working sessions for the new care pathways in the University of the Basque Country. Today many students participaten in San Sebastian, in the Education, Phiolosophy and Anthropology faculty. Could have never guessed that would be happening when we started almost two [...]

New debate sessions for the protocol and some pictures

October 23rd, 2017|News, Project news|

We are very happy about the debate sessions we are helping to organise to receive ideas and proposals for the re-elaboration of the pathways and careways in the new protocol against gender-related violence in the UPV/EHU. Five sessions already done, three more to come in the Bizkaia campus and then 12 more between the Gipuzkoa [...]

Meet the Gender Research Centre in Athens

October 17th, 2017|News, Project news|

Dr Pam Alldred met with the Rector of Panteion University, Professor Ismini Kristi who has helped to promote the USVreact project among staff of the university. In her office, she talked about how women students need to become aware of the challenges they will face like the possibility of Sexual Harassment and the glass ceiling. [...]

No to impunity towards sexual violence. We support all who were attacked the 1st of October and the Major of Barcelona Ada Colau who denounced the facts.

October 11th, 2017|News, Project news|

No to impunity towards sexual violence. We support all who were attacked the 1st of October and the Major of Barcelona Ada Colau who denounced the facts. The USVreact Catalan and Basque teams want to show our solidarity to all women who suffered sexual attacks and harassment in hands of the police forces during the [...]

Join our video campaign

October 9th, 2017|News, Project news, USVreact Material|

Join our video campaign, and raise awareness about sexual violence issues in Universities. Share our video on your social media: The project and free online material:   Our international conference in London on 9th November 2017: Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Universities learning from pan-European practice

First working sessions with students for the new protocol

October 5th, 2017|News, Project news|

We are very happy about the first sessions this week in the Leioa campus. The faculty of Social Sciences and Communication and the Teaching School (in the pictures) have hold two working sessions with students in order to gather thoughts, ideas and opinions for the elaboration of the new protocol against gender-related violence in the [...]

Staff sexual misconduct in universities: pushing the agenda forward

September 26th, 2017|External news, News|

Australian Human Rights Commission has recently published a report on sexual harassment in Australian universities. Although after the first few days of media coverage the story appears to have died down, both on campus and off it, this is the crucial time to push the agenda forward. Dr Anna Bull of the 1752 Group, a UK-based research and lobby [...]

Combatting Violence Against Women & Harassment on Campus

September 18th, 2017|News, Project news|

Your work is touched by VAW & harassment in higher education institutions, including: student support, counselling services, senior management, D&I teams, administrators & students’ unions? Be a part of the "Combatting Violence Against Women & Harassment on Campus" event that will be held on 25th October in Central London with the aim of providing an [...]