
Gender Studies 2019 Conference: On Violence 

July 24th, 2019|News, Project news|

24th to 26th of October 2019 University of Helsinki, Finland What is violence? How is violence normalized in some contexts? How do gender, sexuality, race, and class, among other axes of power, intersect making some bodies more prone to experiencing violence? How to subvert and challenge different forms of violence, and what are the respectful [...]

New guide for training facilitators with an Intersectional approach…

April 30th, 2019|News, Project news|

Developing an Intersectional Approach to Training on Sexual Harassment, Violence and Hate Crimes Guide for Training Facilitators This document offers guidance to training facilitators on how to incorporate intersectionality into existing trainings on bystander intervention and first response to disclosures of violence. This is not meant as a separate training programme in and of itself, but [...]

UPV-EHU Partner Training Evaluation Report (PTER)

April 14th, 2018|News, Project news, Reports|

Final Partner Training Evaluation Report by the UPV-EHU project team Our project is officially reaching it end. Of course we are currently thinking of ways of continuing our work around sexual violence in university settings. Anyway and for the moment you can dowload here the final report of the project in the University of the [...]


March 12th, 2018|External news, News|

University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 4−6, 2018 Society for Cultural Studies in Finland and the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture Extended deadline for applications: March 15   https://kultut.fi/summer-school/ In the present times, the media landscape is loaded with representations of violence in which a group attacks another group or an individual. Also, venomous and inculpatory ways of [...]

European victims day in Serbia with VDS

March 1st, 2018|News, Project news|

Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS) presented on occasion of the European victims day (22nd of February)the USVreact project at Belgrade University. There was an event with 6 faculties of the Belgrade university for 167 students and 6 teachers. A short video from a VDS training program was shown to illustrate and so was USVreact training [...]

Managing, Researching, and Enabling Respectful Sexual Conduct in Higher Education

February 19th, 2018|News, Project news|

This week we you can hear about #USVreact project findings from our colleagues Pam Alldred and Marta Luxan at "Managing, Researching, and Enabling Respectful Sexual Conduct in Higher Education" 19- 20 February 2018 A two-day workshop organised by ANSER – Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy INSEP – International Network for Sexual Ethics and Politics [...]

12/2/2018 in Thessaloniki – Training seminar on the issue of sexual harassment for AUTH staff

February 14th, 2018|Local events, News, Project news|

The Gender and Equality Committee of the Aristotle University organizes a training seminar for employees of the University entitled "Zero tolerance Sexual harassment-The necessity of creating workplaces with equality and full respect for the dignity of all. " This training seminar will take place on Wednesday 14 February 2018 at 9:00, in the Tower of the Pedagogical School [...]

DIY: Towards feminist methodological practices in social research

February 13th, 2018|News, Publications|

by Biglia and Bonet i Martí (2017) Annual Review of Critical Psychology, 13 The objective of this article is to reflect on the potential for creating subversive scientific discourses through the application of feminist research methodology and its posterior diffraction. We start out from our collective experiences within the framework of SIMReF, which includes our [...]

USVreact Project Final Report: Training to Respond to Sexual Violence at European Universities

February 9th, 2018|News, Project news, Reports|

Final Report of the USVreact Project  This report first presents a discussion of the empirical and theoretical context for the project, in terms of the prevalence of sexual violence against students in European countries and factors which may facilitate and hinder disclosure. It then presents a summary of the seven training programmes’ content, delivery and [...]

EHU material

February 7th, 2018|News, USVreact Material|

This materials are available in Spanish (http://usvreact.eu/es/ehu-material/) and Basque (http://usvreact.eu/eu/ehu-material/)