USVreact training courses continue at the UAB
New edition of training courses at theUAB. Several courses will be held on "Sexual Violence in the University." In this [...]
07/02/2018 Brunel University London local conference
‘Tackling Sexual Violence & Harassment on Campus: Policy and Practice’ This free local conference took place at Brunel University [...]
Preliminary conclusions of USVreact project presented to AFIT group
Last week we were very happy to share some of our preliminary conclusions on sexual violence in universities with the [...]
Sussex University Partner Training Evaluation Report (PTER)
Disclosure Training at Sussex and Brighton This 'Partner Training Evaluation Report' focuses on the Sussex University training, which has also [...]
26th Jan: “Sexual Violence in Universities, ideas and reflections” conference in Donostia-San Sebastian
Find below the complete programme for the one-day conference to be held in the Education, Philosophy and Anthropology faculty in [...]
USVReact will participate in the 2nd Conference of the Inter-University PhD program in Gender Studies.
Our colleague Edurne Jiménez Pérez, member of the Catalan team of the USVReact, will participate on January 31st in this [...]