>External news

Training at URV (Catalonia)

January 9th, 2017|External news, News, Project news|

Training, entitled  "Sexual violence at the University: recognize, accompany and rethinking response strategies" will start at Rovira i Vigili University at the end of January 2017. Its main purpose is to increase the capacity of the University community for the protection of the rights of people affected by the sexual harassment/violence. The courses, completely free, are [...]

Call for Papers: (Un)Making Europe Conference

December 26th, 2016|External news, News|

(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectives – call for papers The 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association will be held from 29th of August to 1st of September 2017 in Athens, Greece. Since the “Great Recession” of 2008 the European society and the very idea of Europe is under threat. The members of the [...]

A ‘LawBot’ to Support Sexual Assault Victims

December 26th, 2016|External news, News|

A Cambridge student group has designed an automated reply system online (Robot) that gives legal advise to victims of sexual assault. The so called LawBot is still in BETA (testing phase) but word about the initiative is spreading and feeding into to the UK wide actions against sexual harassment and violence. Follow the project [...]

Conference: Security and Victimization – 24 & 25 Nov 2016

November 7th, 2016|External news|

VII Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia Security and victimization: Challenges of social reaction and victims' protection Belgrade, 24th and 25th November 2016 Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in 1997, whose aim is to unite as many academics and professionals as possible who are interested in [...]

Understanding the roots of sexual violence and lad culture in universities

October 11th, 2016|External news, Links (external info and resources), News|

This article for The Conversation talks about 'lad culture' in universities, the need to understand how it develops over the course of the educational life course and it mentions the USVreact project as part of this. +info external link

Because I am a Girl Campaign

October 11th, 2016|External news, News|

The Plan International UK Campaign to fight against the global violence and discrimination that girls face. +info external link

The State of Girls’ Rights in the UK

October 11th, 2016|External news, Links (external info and resources)|

This report by the organisation Plan International UK shows that, as in other parts of the world, too many girls in the UK don’t enjoy their rights: " For girls, blatant rights violations such as sexual violence are underpinned by a reality too often defined by gendered expectations and everyday harassment." +info [...]

Widespread’ sexual harassment and violence in schools must be tackled

October 11th, 2016|External news, News|

This Report by the Women and Equalities Committee exposes the scale of sexual harassment and sexual violence in English schools: "The report finds an alarming inconsistency in how schools deal with sexual harassment and violence, which is mostly targeted at girls, a disregard for existing national and international equality obligations, and a lack of [...]

Disclosure and exposure in the neoliberal university

September 13th, 2016|External news, Links (external info and resources)|

This blog, writen and edited by USVreact co-PI Alison Phipps, includes many relevant writings about lad culture and issues aroudn sexual harrassment and assault. Here a link to an interesting consideration about disclosure of sexual harassment and assault experiences in the neoliberal university. +info external link

#NotGuilty campaign

September 13th, 2016|External news, Links (external info and resources)|

According to its website: 'The #NotGuilty campaign against sexual violence and assault was set up in April 2015 by the Oxford University student newspaper, Cherwell, in accompaniment to Ione Wells’s letter to her assaulter. The campaign aims to reach those of all genders, ages, nationalities and sexualities. It is an all-inclusive, apolitical campaign for [...]