>External news

Staff sexual misconduct in universities: pushing the agenda forward

September 26th, 2017|External news, News|

Australian Human Rights Commission has recently published a report on sexual harassment in Australian universities. Although after the first few days of media coverage the story appears to have died down, both on campus and off it, this is the crucial time to push the agenda forward. Dr Anna Bull of the 1752 Group, a UK-based research and lobby [...]

Helpline directory – Stop violence against women!

September 14th, 2017|External news, Links (external info and resources), News|

The following is a table of the national women’s helplines available in 46 European countries. If there is no national helpline, a regional or general helpline is listed (these countries are marked with a *). The list has been published by the NON.NO.NEIN. campaign that is being carried out by the European Commission with the [...]

An example of good practice: Respectful and Responsible online module

September 12th, 2017|External news, News|

The Australian Monash University has developed, in cooperation with student organizations and other authorities, an online educational module called Respectful and Responsible. Since the University is committed to eliminating sexual assault, harassment and interpersonal violence from the community, the Respectful and Responsible module has been developed in order to foster healthy and mutually respectful relationships, [...]

The group Poble Sec Feminista presents a new material in Barcelona

June 16th, 2017|External news, News|

After a two year’s community process, the group Poble Sec Feminista presents a new material with recommendations adress to social organizations interested in including the feminist perspective in the Poble Sec Celebration. More informations: http://usvreact.eu/ca/despres-de-dos-anys-teixint-aliances-comunitaries-en-clau-feminista-el-col·lectiu-poble-sec-feminista-presenta-un-material-amb-recomanacions-adrecades-a-tots-aquells-col·lectius-i-entitats/  

Athens Pride 2017

May 30th, 2017|External news, News|

With the slogan IT’S EDUCATION, Athens Pride 2017 stresses that contact with all personal experiences has the potential to trigger a reassessment of our values, to challenge the socially constructed notions and stereotypes, and to contribute to the moral progress of our society. The society we strive for is one in which values empathy, solidarity, [...]

Collection of Sexual Abuse Prevention Campaign in Catalonia

May 29th, 2017|External news, News|

This document presents different Catalan, Spanish and international prevention campaign in order to support and give idea to practitioner that want to develop their own project on sexual violence. The importance of assuming a gender perspective in preventing sexual violence is highlighted and supported by this document produced by the Generalitat de Catalonia. The document [...]

Conference 08/11/17: Tackling #VAW, Harassment and Hate Crime Affecting University Students

May 26th, 2017|External news, News|

One year on from the release of "Changing the culture: Report of the Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students", Universities UK are holding a national one-day conference to examine what has happened in the last year, and discuss what needs to happen next to continue to address [...]

Improving College Campus–Based Prevention of Violence Against Women

May 22nd, 2017|External news, Links (external info and resources)|

Improving College Campus–Based Prevention of Violence Against Women: A Strategic Plan for Research Built on Multipronged Practices and Policies by Victoria L. Banyard TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 2014, Vol. 15(4) 339-351 ª The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1524838014521027 tva.sagepub.com Growing awareness of the scope of violence against women (VAW) on college campuses has led to innovations [...]

Girls, Leadership & Celebrity Symposium

May 18th, 2017|External news, News|

WHO RUNS THE WORLD? Girls, Leadership and Celebrity Symposium 1.30 – 5.30pm, June 16th 2017 Senate House, London, UK Advance booking essential. Full details, programme and free tickets available HERE  Featuring key speakers: Heather Mendick: ‘Nicki Minaj vs Beyoncé? feminism, un/happiness and celebrity’ Janet Batsleer & Grainne McMahon: ‘Girls, 'leaning in' and faux-empowerment’ Anita Biressi: 'Picturing success: discourses of self(ie) confidence' [...]

20 Years of Offering Support to Victims in Serbia: VDS – Victimology Society of Serbia

May 2nd, 2017|External news|

The Victimology Society of Serbia (VDS) this year celebrates 20 years of dedicated work of offering help to victims of different kinds of violation. We are all exposed to various types of harmful behaviour and anyone can become a victim of a theft, robbery, domestic violence, violence at the workplace, pickpocketing in the bus, stalking [...]