EVENT POSTPONED to 12/04/2018 University of York local findings conference
A UK wide University staff strike is taking place at the end of February, due to universities wanting to end guaranteed pension benefits regardless of members' contributions to their pension scheme over their employment lifetime. For this reason this local event will be postponed to the 12th of April 2018, to coincide with the ESRC [...]
UNITO Partner Training Evaluation Report (PTER)
CIRSDe - UNITO (Turin, Italy) Partner Training Evaluation Report Introduction The training program was developed and implemented, in Italy by the University of Turin and in the Polytechnic of Turin (Associated Partner) taking into account specific characteristics of these two universities and of the Italian context, that will be more precisely described in the “Context” [...]
The USVreact in Vic: What has been done and how it will continue
The UVic-UCC has participated in various actions of the USVrecat project carried out during 2017 and 2018. To begin, on April 26 and 27 a team of 5 PDI and 2 PAS received USVreact training organized by trainers from the URV (Sara Cagliero and Ivana Soto). Once UVic staff was formed, the model was replicated, offering it [...]
Lost in Translation? Comparative and International Work on Gender-Related Violence
The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence, edited by Nancy Lombard (2018) Chapter 18: Lost in Translation? Comparative and International Work on Gender-Related Violence by gigi guizzo, Pam Alldred and Mireia Foradada-Villar INTRO It is generally agreed that research across countries, with different cultural and/or language contexts, brings difficulties of translation, meaning here both the literal linguistic translation [...]
Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Experiences of Academic Medical Faculty
Recent high-profile cases of sexual harassment illustrate that such experiences still occur in academic medicine. Less is known about how many women have directly experienced such behavior. Most studies have focused on trainees, single specialties, and non-US settings or lack currency. In a 1995 cross-sectional survey,3 52% of US academic medical faculty women reported harassment [...]
Awareness Campaign Videos
The following are the links for the spots of the four videos awareness campaign against sexual harassment with English subtitles by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality. It is the Greek governmental agency competent to plan, implement, and monitor the implementation of policies on equality between women and men in all sectors. The GSGE implements co-financed [...]
(November 2017) Online awareness campaign against sexual harassment initiated by the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality.
The Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality began last month an online awareness campaign against sexual harassment on the occasion of the 25th of November, International Day for combatting violence against women. The governmental organization in charge of equality between women and men in Greece informs that four online videos awareness campaign have acquired English [...]
1-3 Dec in London: Clear Lines Festival Addressing Sexual Assault and Consent through the Arts and Discussion
The Clear Lines Festival will hold its 2nd edition on Dec 1-3 in Shoreditch, London, to talk about sexual assault and consent and where we are now. How has the narrative changed? Clear Lines aims to replace the shame and stigma around these issues with insight, understanding, and community. All are invited to participate in [...]
November 30th and December 1st Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia
The conference entitled Victims between security, human rights and justice: Local and global context will be held on 30th November and 1st December 2017 in Belgrade. The conference aims to bring together experts and researchers, who deal both theoretically and practically and from the perspective of different disciplines with victims’ rights and provide assistance to [...]