The UVic-UCC has participated in various actions of the USVrecat project carried out during 2017 and 2018.
To begin, on April 26 and 27 a team of 5 PDI and 2 PAS received USVreact training organized by trainers from the URV (Sara Cagliero and Ivana Soto). Once UVic staff was formed, the model was replicated, offering it to the entire university community of the UVic-UCC. This second training was carried out in June 2017, and 2 PDI, 2 PAS and 8 students (all women) participated. The maximum enrollment figure of 15 people (after 3 of these people did not come to the course) was achieved 48 hours after the course offered, which indicated a need for training in this scope. This encouraged a continuation of the training, with a budget allocated by the University to this end and continued workshops being offered from now on.