Schools related gender based violence (SRGBV) is identified as “acts of sexual, physical or psychological violence inflicted on children in and around schools because of stereotypes and roles or norms attributed to or expected of them because of their sex or gendered identity. The term also refers to the differences between girls’ and boys’ experience of and vulnerabilities to violence” (Plan, 2018). Although it is widely recognised that SRGBV has negative implications for health and well-being, educational success and participation, research into it is still extremely limited. Very little research in Europe has explicitly addressed the gender dimensions of violence in schools, for example, bullying is often discussed in gender and race neutral terms. Researches are also mostly concentrated on heterosexual forms of violence perpetrated mostly by male teachers and students on female students. However, there is sufficient evidence to show that male students, female teachers, those identified as lesbian or gay and minority groups or who suffer from physical or learning difficulties are also at risk.
Scholars, practitioners and others are invited to submit a paper on the subject of no more than 7,000 words to Dr Maria Tsouroufli (Reader in Women and Gender, University of Wolverhampton) at by 31st January 2018. Both traditional research papers as well as reflective pieces of work from different disciplines (Education, Feminist Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Health) and methodological approaches (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method studies) are welcome.
Authors will receive feedback in April/May, final decisions about papers will be made in August, whilst the publication is scheduled for November 2018. Authors are expected to follow the IPED journal’s guidelines.