on 9th November 2017 in London
- Encouraging more institutional buy in; encourage workshops to be taken by both staff, lectures and students. Take more of an intersectional approach.
- I have met some very interesting people from different countries with different visions of sexual violence
- Thanks for being Free, Take away – pathways, strategies and possible hurdles in implementation of training
- Do you ask the experiences of alumni too? they arguably can say more because they are free from the institution
- The commitment and intelligence in this area that needs to be harnessed and used to used and enabled change at a cultural level.
- Inspired by some community between training content in different geographical context.
- Thinking more about compliance and the co-option of critical work, which can be diluted in meaning /impact.
- Strategies to engage the disengaged students in this rhetoric. Often we exhaust all options – what now? What next?
- Policies, practices and procedures. How can we use these effectively to avoid “institution airbrushing? “
- Please add the “ask me” scheme by women’s aid to your links. we can learn so much together
- I am a women’s officer and a student at the University of Kent.
- What can I do as a student and someone who is involved in the institutions system to help change the rape culture?
- Different culture perspectives
- Significance of training
- Towards catalysing a culture shift
- The extensiveness of the SV phenomenon across cultures
- How are care people who are accompanying or supporting victims?
- Sexual Taboo as co-responsible of sexual violence
- Considering the personal cost of raising your head above the parapet within your institution
- We are failing on something that maybe we cannot see. Many People that I have accompanied that may made public their sexual violence explained, that they are regretted coming out.
- The Student Community can be much interconnected; there can be a tendency to of not saying anything, as students do not want to be seen as the rat or a whistle-blower.
- It should be improved the technical issues
- What can we do to give more visibility to today’s issues
- How can we work with International staff/students on gender-based violence, especially those from more traditional/appraisal areas?
- It would be helpful if the sector adopted a term “ Gender based violence “
- Where does the institution begin tend? How about when uni students have team meets in local bars and use lad culture there?
- Thinking more about moving beyond emplane approach – how to destabilize existing gender/class/race power relations in order to change culture.
- How do we tackle multiple cultures coming together within one university culture so that all see this as an issue? E.g. EU students in UK Universities.
- What can we do to charge the students perspective on this? What can we do to alter lad culture, properly educate students in an effective way, and what do we think about pornography as a contributor?
- Why does talking English frequently derive into an Anglo centric approach and debates? How can we fight with power relation without questioning our owns?
- How can institutions work together when in shared spaces/campuses?
- Context can vary a lot; however addressing the questions of USV requires an attractive narrative for all.
- It has been restorative to consider my compliance driven project in an explicitly feminist space. Time to be critical and analytical.
- Intransigence of senior managers
- Concept of institutional airbrushing
- Good work, more to be done. Have overarching task force with different stakeholders to review how cases have been dealt with and reflect on learning points.
- That when women come together, and speak – power emerges. Its fab we can take on the university establishments
- Momentum – the amount going on.
- Need to ask questions
- To do more, to find out / research best practice.
- To connect with the university but also with others outside.
- I would like to meet again in 2 years and see I how our universities have changed cultures, of course we can. We have to continue changing the world.
- The importance of coordination/collaboration of people working against violence sexual violence.
- Education, recognition, awareness, attitude matters when it comes to sexual violence.
- I learn that complex things/ initiatives/projects may look impossible but then prove important
- Reminder to be aware of who is heard? Who is protected by institutions? I.e. how does power play out in intuitional responses.
- The complexity of the space sexual violence occupies in the private and public sphere. Also the dichotomy between personal and social impact.
- We need to ensure that were changing the culture and attitudes within our institutions & societies not giving just meeting regulatory compliance.
- The importance of a holistic approach and that we need to work together but in a different way.
- We are not innovating in approaching to communicate consent, sexual harassment etc.
- Seeing so many of us doing something as similar as trainers feels very heartening and like there are absolutely is a best practice.
- Main takeaway: student perspective I think all of this is good and is useful but the students need to be aware this has happened.
- Learnt: there’s loads more going on than I thought
- Pan-European efforts and all working in same direction and we shouldn’t leave the EU
- The importance of preserving and standing up more now there’s been a catalyst
- Is every reference to sex/sexuality of sexual violence?
- Doesn’t it also depend on context?
- We have so much to learn and so much to do and I am very excited.
- Role of responsibly as a potential first responder – ethically referring people to services, being clear about their problems
- Very important for similar issues or I to be reminded that there is a wealth of expertise/research / practical ideas that we can tap into rather than struggling battling on own.
- Jokin Azpiazu’s focus on intersectionality is project leading. The Spanish teams’ focus on the varied power imbalances involved in the occurrences of response to and prevention teaching stands as an example of the possibilities and hopefully – in future studies) the standard for this type of research. Accessibility of shared spaces for lessons in for sessions in room with hard floor where venue staff working doesn’t help hearing impaired