“It is time to take stock, learn from the past and plan for the future. In this two-day workshop, we’ll be looking at the ways these often violent, non-consensual sexual relations have been managed, researched and at what has been and can be done to enable consensual sexual relations in the academy. The goal is to identify and evaluate best practices and strategies, to sketch out a future policy and research agenda and to contribute to the development of a respectful and healthy sexual culture in Higher Education. We seek to bring together researchers, policy makers, academics and students to reflect on the sexual politics of higher education and build a collaborative agenda for more research and for the development of effective policy tools and practice guidance.”


ANSER (Academic Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy) and INSEP (International Network for Sexual Ethics and Politics) are calling for Papers and Participants for a two-day workshop in Ghent, Belgium.


These two days of discussion, reflexion and workshop will be structured around 3 major themes:

  • Theme 1: Managing sexual (mis)conduct
  • Theme 2: Researching (non-)consensual sex
  • Theme 3: Enabling consensual and respectful sex

If you are interested in participating, you can send abstracts to  Tom.Claes@UGent.be before the 30th of September 2017


Find all informations and modalities here → http://www.insep.ugent.be/workshops/mre2018/